Since 2017, we have taught 220,048.92 years of mathematics and 182,679 students have completed our placement exam.
Students using Elephant Learning just 40 minutes per week learned almost 1.7 years of mathematics in just 13 weeks. Available for web, mobile, and tablet. Learn More
*We guarantee your student will learn 1 year of mathematics when using Elephant Learning an average of 30 minutes per week over the course of 3 months or we will provide a full refund.
How Does It WORk?
Gamification Builds Intuition
Using our system is simple and straightforward. To the student, it feels like a puzzle game. Think "Angry Birds" but for mathematics. Simply integrate Elephant Learning into your child's weekly routines, 10 minutes per day, 3 days per week. Our system will do the rest.
Behind the scenes, students start in a Placement Exam designed to catch up to the student's level of understanding, building confidence and giving that puzzle game feel of starting easy and becoming challenging. From there, we adapt to their level of understanding quickly, building up their problem solving and intuition while teaching them mathematics as a language.
Our system automatically notifies you if we detect the student is struggling.
Our coaches are available to support you or your student with video appointments.
Our Detailed Reports help you understand what your student is working on and how you can take learning outside of the system if you wish to be more involved.
An Established Solution
Since 2017, we have taught 220,048.83 years of mathematics and 182,680 students have completed our placement exam.
Individualized Support & Placement Exam
Our advanced algorithms and Placement Exam are able to quickly identify your student's level of understanding and adapt.
Our coaches are trained to understand the data and coach your family to success.
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Mathematics As A Language
Elephant Learning focuses on teaching the essential topics of mathematics as a language. Our goal is to ensure all students understand the teacher within the classroom.
For Students of All Ages & Backgrounds
We cover from counting through Algebra and designed our Algebra curriculum to remediate University students struggling with upper level mathematics. Whether your student is ahead or behind, our adaptive algorithms quickly adapt to their level.
Because all students learn language, we have had success with students of all backgrounds including autism, adhd, dyslexia, dyscalculia and more...
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Making Mathematics Fun
The curriculum is delivered via gamification, providing mathematical experiences for the student at their individualized level. To the student, it feels like a puzzle game. Think "Angry Birds" for mathematics.
Parent Education & Anxiety Coaching
Mathematics is not everybody's bag. We get it! Almost half of first and second graders already report having mathematics anxiety. Our reports have parent and teacher training, and every subscription comes with the support of our coaches via zoom.
Supported Everywhere
Our system works on chrome and safari and we have apps in the iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle Fire stores.
2 Live Coaching Sessions Per Student Per Month
Every subscription comes with access to our mathematics coaches. We are the only program founded by Ph.D. Mathematicians with the mission is to empower children with mathematics. We do that by meeting students at their level of understanding and coaching them to success.
Guaranteed Results
We guarantee when using Elephant Learning an average of 30 minutes per week, your student will increase in Elephant Age™ by 1 year or we will provide a full refund.
Researchers Develop Elephant Learning Computer Education System | University of Denver (2017)
University of Denver researchers create Elephant Learning Computer Education System to help empower children with mathematics.
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Research Shows Colorado Math Academy's Program Enables Students to Learn over a Year's Worth of Math in Three Months
Elephant Learning Math Academy has published conclusive research into their gamified online learning platform developed to excel the mathematical capabilities for children and students of all ages.
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New York Living
Two sisters talk about their experience LIVE on NYC's WPIX 11's "New York Living." As school starts to wrap up and summer approaches many parents worry about their kids taking a break from learning, especially in subjects like math, where practice is crucial. Dr. Aditya Nagrath, the founder of Elephant Learning, a dynamic platform that promises to keep young minds active and engaged all summer long, joined Marysol Castro and Alex on New York Living. They discussed what led Dr. Nagrath to create this program, and how it helps both children and parents.
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Ready to transform your student's relationship with Mathematics?
To get started, enter your email address below and tell us a little bit about your student.
Learn 1 Year of Mathematics in 3 Months, Guaranteed.
Accessible on Chrome and Safari as well as iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle Fire
Individualized Support, parent and teacher training at the level of the student.
Mathematics Anxiety Coaching Videos and Live Coaching Sessions
Actual Elephant Learning parents and students speak candidly about their experience within Elephant Learning. See all parent testimonials videos>
Yvonne and Emily
Yvonne talks about her daughter Emily's experience within Elephant Learning.
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Tonya and Zach
Tonya talks about how Zach overcomes mathematics anxiety using Elephant Learning.
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Teacher Review
A teacher's honest assessment of Elephant Learning
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Parent Testimonials
Elephant Learning has helped over a hundred thousand students and parents are happy to share success.
Dr. Hoefler from email
Just a quick note to let you know how friendly, helpful, and professional your colleague, Ms.Saunders, was to us today. She not only quickly addressed our issue , but also took the extra step to record our concerns so they can be passed on to administration at Elephant Math. Ms. Saunders is an asset to your team.
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Victoria from Facebook
Just have to shout out this girl! Since January we have been working on math since January. She has struggled for years with confidence in this area and now it is her favorite subject. She has gone from a 8.7 to 11.5 year old level on Elephant Learning. Her actual age is 11.3 so now she is above what she should know at her age. So proud of this girl! 3 times a week (sometimes more because she wants to) for 15 minutes per day. They recommend 10 but she wanted 15. They say you can learn a year of math in 3 months and we are proof that yes you can! I get no kickbacks or anything. I am not affiliated with Elephant Learning BUT I know it is working for Riley so wanted to share! We were so frustrated and needed something and this was the perfect fit for us. It may be for you too!
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Tracie from Facebook
For anyone wondering, we used this program, and it outperformed its promise! Our experience: Our son struggled with math and as a 12-year- old, tested at a 95-year-old level of understanding. After using elephant math, it filled in difficult gaps, created a language of understanding, and in 6 months of use, he grew 3.5 years in understanding concepts, ending his time of use at a 13-year-old's level. And he has not forgotten what he learned. I would recommend this program to anyone thinking of trying it. All I can say is it worked for us. Also, I do not work for Elephant Math, I have never worked for them, and no one asked me to share my opinion. Just in case anyone wonders. This is a freely offered statement because we had such a good experience!
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Yudith on Facebook
Yudith Iturbide Edralin recommends Elephant Learning. Elephant Learning is a great app. My daughter did not like to do math. She would give me a hard time and would cry most of the time. Since we started this program she now has a fantastic attitude. She is more confident to the point she will say mom I got this. I am truly grateful to Dr. Aditya Ngrath and the staff. When ever I need help or have questions, everyone is quick to respond. I have recommended this app to all my friends and family.
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Yvonne on Facebook
Yvonne Lozoya: The support team for this app are great. I didn't budget correctly last month and didn't have money in my account to pay for the subscription. They contacted me, I explained the situation, and they extended my sons profile he could still access the app until my next payday. My son is in kinder and enjoys using the app. I know some people complain about the robotic nature ofthe voices but my son actually loves them and how they call him by name. His confidence is improving because he sees his progress age going up. Starting Elephant Age: 3.6. Current Elephant Age: 7.4.
Xuan via Email
Thank you so much Ashley! My children really enjoyed this interactive learning platform and I have recommended your program to some of our friends.
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Wilhelmina on Facebook
Wilhelmina Beckman: I have 6 kids, this has helped all of them. After we used the program for 6 months, my son who had an IEP for math had enough confidence to request to be reevaluated. Through his testing he was able to demonstrate that his math understanding and skills have improved so much that he no longer needs any IEP services, and he is even above grade level in some areas!!
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Take a look inside of our system.
Elephant Learning Walkthrough 2024
A 3 minute walkthrough of the Elephant Learning program and how it can help students learn years of mathematics in just a few months.
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Elephant Learning Walkthrough
Melissa Dunn with Elephant Learning gives a walkthrough of the Elephant Learning system.
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Educational App Store Review & Walkthrough
The Educational App Store Reviewed Elephant Learning and gave a brief walkthrough after rating Elephant Learning 5-stars saying, "this is the future of education."