How Do I Track My Student's Playtime?

The Playtime Analysis tab located on the Dashboard helps you understand whether your student is logging the recommended amount of playtime each week. We graph the amount of playtime using purple bars and show the average weekly playtime by a shaded/highlighted area in the background of the graph. We also indicate the recommended weekly usage of 30 minutes by a purple line, so that you know how your student’s average compares to our recommended average.

On average, a child in our system learns 1.5 years of mathematics in ten weeks when they use the system just 30 minutes per week. We measured this by looking at the total playtime of all students, filtering to children who played over 10 minutes and averaging the difference between their Starting Elephant Age and Elephant Age at the end of 10 weeks. The average playtime was 22.5 minutes, and the average difference was approximately 19 months. No children in that sample had learned less than 1 year of mathematics. That is why we guarantee that children will learn at least 1 year of math in three months if they use the system an average of 30 minutes per week.